The Conrad Mansion Museum is pleased to announce that the 4th of July Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social will be on Monday, July 4th from 11am-2pm (or until the ice cream runs out!)
Enjoy old-fashioned Americana at Kalispell’s own Conrad Mansion Museum! This event is open to the entire community with FREE ice cream generously donated by Kalispell Kreamery.
This Independence Day, bring your friends and family to the Conrad Mansion’s grounds to enjoy ice cream, lemonade, and $5.00 self-guided tours of the Conrad Mansion’s interior.
Questions about the 4th of July Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social can be answered by calling the Conrad Mansion at
406-755-2166 or by visiting our website at
Additional Info
Conrad Mansion Museum 330 Woodland Ave Kalispell,
MT59901United States