Montana Heritage Home Builders, Inc.
Building Materials Building Contractors Construction Equipment, Suppliers & Contractors
Premier Home Builder & Remodeling Contractor in Montana |
Montana Heritage Home Builders Inc. is an award-winning family owned and operated luxury Design/Build Company, started nearly 25 years ago. Montana Heritage Home Builders, MHHB, doesn't just build homes, we take your dreams and turn them into reality. MHHB offers cutting edge, ultra-efficient and state of the art design, whether you want contemporary or classic, on every home. Advance levels of energy savings, comfort, health, durability, quality and future performance, provide value that will stand the test of time.
Montana Heritage Home Builders Inc. begins with solid building science and then adds advanced technologies and practices. Every Zero Energy Ready Home offers a cost-effective, high performance package of energy savings, comfort, health, and durability that is unparalleled in today's market place. MHHB Homes are designed and built for you to enjoy a healthful environment that minimizes dangerous pollutants, provides continuous fresh air, and effectively filters the air you breathe. MHHB's homes are so ultra-efficient that a small solar electric system can easily offset most, or all, of your annual energy consumption.
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